Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's been so long without an update!

And this isn't even a real update. It's basically some bullet points.

Today, Gabe said three of the greatest things he's ever said, and I'm mostly writing this update just to document them. Here they are:
  1. Gabe's current favorite activity is jumping on the bed (so much that he has actually broken our 1. bed, for real). This afternoon we were all sitting on the couch together, and Gabe said, "I want to go on the bed!" Matt said, "Hey dude, why don't you jump on the couch instead?" Gabe turned to him, a look of total incredulity on his face, and said, "No! That's too safe!" Then he stormed from the room, presumably in the direction of the bed.
  2. Later today, we were discussing mommies and daddies. Specifically, Matt and I were explaining how his grandparents were our parents. He seemed to struggle with this, and said, "Grammy is my mommy?" When I explained that no, Grammy is actually my mommy, and Grandbob is my daddy, he grinned and said, "Oh! That's FAB-YOU-LESS!"
  3. This evening I bathed Tessa, dressed her in her jammies, and brought her over to say good night to her brother and her dad. They were in the bathroom brushing Gabe's hair after his bath. I held Tessa up for a kiss, and Gabe, totally unprompted, leaned in, stroked her head, and whispered, "I love you, Tessa." Then he looked at himself in the mirror and grinned, clearly pleased and admiring himself. "What a politician," commented Matt. This from the man who was nicknamed "The Senator" by his law school class.
In Tessa news, I am sort of surprised to announce that Tessa is a wonderful eater. Whereas Gabe used to cry and gag and wrench his head away from the spoon, she opens her mouth as wide as she can and smiles and slurps. She finished an entire two-ounce serving of pureed apples tonight. It's amazing. It's much more in line with how I always imagined feeding a baby should be. Solids have been great fun so far, and enjoyed by all. And she has the delicious baby thighs to show for it.

I would write more but we sold the condo (THANK YOU REAL ESTATE GODS) and so I must go pack a box, then stress out for a while about how I haven't packed enough, then maybe have some wine, and go to sleep so I can have some moving stress dreams.

So long without an update