Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I am sick again. How is this possible? Didn't I just have the flu about three weeks ago? Actually now that I stop to think about it, it seems like I have been sick off and on for, oh, I don't know, about three and a half months.

In totally unrelated news, Gabe started daycare about three and a half months ago! Isn't that funny? What an amazing coincidence! No chance those two events could have anything to do with each other, is there? Ho, ho! It's so amusing!

The silver lining to the constant low-level illness (and this is a big silver lining, Dear Readers), is that while Matt and I have been trading the same cold back and forth literally for months now, complete with coughing, aching, runny noses, etc., Gabe is doing great. He has been sick exactly one time. It lasted about forty-eight hours; he had a low-grade fever and general fussiness. (And can I just say: thank goodness his illness was brief and mild. That forty-eight hours nearly broke my heart. I am such a freaking wimp.) Plus Gabe might not have even been sick for real that one time. His doctor opined (yes, of course I rushed him to the doctor like a typical overreacting first-time mom) that he was probably teething. Who knew teeth could cause a fever? Babies are so weird.

Anyhow, the moral of the story is that Gabe is immune to all of the plague germs carried by the fourteen other snotty-nosed babies at daycare, while Matt and I succumb to each and every virus we encounter during the twenty minutes of drop-off and pick-up. I think Gabe is sneaking out of his crib at night and stealing vitamins from the bathroom or something.

OK, I have to go cough and blow my nose and feel sorry for myself now. Distract yourselves with this picture of the chubby chubkins nom nom squishy cheeks. Mmmmm, delicious!

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