Thursday, December 10, 2009


I am thankful for so many things this year. The health of my friends and family, my amazing husband, my relatively easy and low-risk pregnancy, my joyful, wonderful son.

My son. My son is thankful for Kanye West.

Gabe is at that stage of toddlerhood where he craves repetition: he wants the same book read over and over, the same food for dinner every night, the same song on the car ride home played on repeat. For the past couple of weeks, the song he wants is Kanye's "Gold Digger".

He sits in his carseat, usually clutching a cracker in one hand, and demands, in increasingly insistent tones, "Gol DIGGA! Gol DIGGA! GOL DIGGA!" And then when I play it for him (as I inevitably do) he cackles with laughter. He especially likes the part where Kanye cries, "We want prenup!" He usually claps at that part.

I have only myself to blame for this, as I was the one who played it for him once on my iPod and pointed out the drums at the beginning of the song. (Gabe likes drums.) I did not realize what I was starting. But as I listened to the song five times in a row on the way home this evening, I didn't feel even a little bit annoyed, at myself or at Gabe, or even at Kanye. I just felt grateful.

I mean, the child could have picked up his dad's propensity for Radiohead. That would have been way worse.

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