Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lazy Morning

By some miracle, Tessa is napping in a location other than my arms! I should undoubtedly be using this precious, precious free time to be folding the laundry in the dryer, or writing a myriad of overdue thank you notes, or perhaps sleeping myself.

But I just can't resist squandering the time by posting this picture:

We have a somewhat similar picture of Gabe and Magnum taken when he was just about this age. But in that shot, Magnum looks much more dubious. Here, see for yourself:

See the suspicious look in his lazy, lazy cat eyes?

By now Magnum is kind of over the whole baby thing. He'll probably get interested in Tessa when she's old enough to eat real people food and drop bites on the floor for him. That's about when he decided Gabe was OK and we could keep him.

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