Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I have about four seconds to write before the baby wakes up.

True story from this morning:

Tessa is eating, and making her typical little baby grunts and smacks while she eats (very ladylike, my daughter!). Gabe comes and sits beside us on the couch.
"Who's oinking?" he asks in his best sing-song voice. "Who's like a piggy? Baby sister Tessa is like a piggy!"

I would have disagreed with him but the fact is that Tessa gained almost a pound last week. A pound in a week! I didn't even know such a thing was possible for a tiny baby!

What a delicious little piggy. She is sweet like a scone. A scone with a lopsided smile, that is.

This smiling business is a wonderful, fabulous change from a few weeks ago. I still feel a mad rush of panic and fear every time we are out in public and someone coughs, or sneezes, or gets too close when admiring the baby ("Don't breathe on her," I want to hiss). She's looking and sounding better and stronger every single day, and I have high hopes that we will never see the inside of a PICU again, ever, ever, ever. She is such a lovely baby.

In other news, we are in the middle of remodeling the kitchen and one bathroom, and our condo is sort of a disaster at the moment. I hope to be able to blog on a more regular basis when the destruction and rebuilding are complete. We'll see.

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