Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sleeping Beauty

I think I'm being tricked.

For three nights in a row now the baby has easily, cheerfully gone to sleep at night like it's no big deal. I feed her, wrap her in her swaddle blanket, give her half a dozen or so kisses and tuck her into her cradle.

And then she just...falls asleep.

Tonight she sort of fussed around for under four minutes before dozing off. I put her down at 7:24 and at 7:28 I went back to take this picture:

Amazing! Or a clever trick?

Oh, the acrobatics we went through to get Gabe to go to bed when he was this age! I distinctly remember rocking him for hours and hours, walking him in endless circles across the floor, shushing him gently, singing lullabies, frantically re-reading sections of Happiest Baby On the Block on the off chance that I had missed some important clue in infant sleep... one time I even crawled out of his room on hands and knees after finally getting him to sleep after several previous failed attempts.

And this one just...goes to sleep. Has someone stolen my real baby and replaced her with a fake? Perhaps it is some sort of reality television show of which I am an unwitting participant, Candid Camera-style. I am going to check the bedroom for hidden cameras tonight, just in case.

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