Sunday, November 23, 2008


All moms think their kids are talented, I know. But it turns out that my baby really does have a special talent. Can you guess what it is? Nope, it's not speaking, or walking, or composing sonnets. It's pooping! (You may remember that in my very first post, I threatened to write about baby poop. It was not an idle threat. You'll know to take me seriously from here on out!)

That's right, Gabe's pooping skills are prodigious. It's not just me who thinks so; his daycare teachers agree. Every single day last week, he came home from daycare in a different outfit than I had dressed him in that morning. Why, you ask? Because every single day he managed to have a poop huge enough to stain his outfit! That's right, he's the baby that diapers cannot contain!

At Gabe's daycare, each child has a "daily sheet" on which the teachers track bottles and food consumed, naps taken, and diapers changed. On Thursday his poop was so big that the teacher who changed his diaper remarked, "Wow!" on his daily sheet. She also drew a little smiley face. I sort of wish I had been there; I've personally never seen a dirty diaper that inspired me to draw any kind of illustration.

I wonder what other talents lie dormant in my little lamb! Perhaps I'll discover that he's capable of projectile spitting mashed bananas? (Of course, I would probably need to convince him to ingest more than an eighteenth of a teaspoon of bananas at any one sitting in order for him to hone this skill.) In any case, I am so proud of my little poop machine. He really is quite charming, you know.

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