Monday, March 23, 2009

(Don't) Eat, (Don't) Drink, and Be Merry

Tonight for dinner Gabe consumed:

1. Thirty-seven sweet potato "puffs" (junk food version of otherwise healthy sweet potato, created by Gerber);
2. Astonishingly large volume of Pirate's Booty (mmmm...delicious Pirate's Booty);
3. Zero bites chicken;
4. Zero bites cheese;
5. Three molecules pureed carrots;
6. One sliver of dried apple fished out from crevice of highchair with pudgy fist (possibly left over from breakfast this morning?); and
7. One eighth of a teaspoon of water from bear-shaped sippy cup (approximate; this is the amount he appeared to drink before flinging the sippy cup at me with a surprising amount of force).

That is some quality parenting right there.

The good news is that we went and weighed him today, and he is just over nineteen pounds! That's a gain of about three quarters of a pound in two weeks. Hooray! (Perhaps he is absorbing calories through osmosis or similar? It's either that or Pirate's Booty has more calories than I remember, and I should stop eating it myself.) Just look at that round little face and the tummy protruding from the shirt. Excellent all around.

(That's my brother in the picture with him, in case you were curious. Gabe and Uncle Ross are big fans of each other.)

The other good news is that Gabe has a vocabulary of four whole words now. He says "dog" and "cat" and "duck" ("duck" sounds remarkably like "dog," if I'm being honest), and most of all, "hi." He's very good at saying hi and very offended when people do not say hi back to him. If ignored he becomes more insistent and determined, saying, "Hi! HI! HI!" while waiving his tiny little hand back and forth as fast as he can, determined to get the attention of occasionally unfriendly strangers. I'm talking to you, mean lady in the produce aisle at Whole Foods who looked down her nose at us and refused to say hi back to a charming and talented ten-month-old-baby when he said hi to you. I hope you're happy with yourself. Way to crush a kid's blossoming social skills.

Luckily Gabe was undeterred by the foregoing Rude Produce Incident and went on to say "hi" to the avocados and bananas while we continued wheeling towards the seafood counter. Not that he would eat avocados or bananas, mind you. But he'll waive and say hi to them in the produce aisle. He's friendly like that.

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