Sunday, March 1, 2009


I know, I know, I haven't posted in a hundred years. (This would perhaps matter more if I told anyone about this blog and had any actual readers beyond my husband and parents.) Anyhow, the reason I have not posted is because we are getting ready to put our place on the market. The market for sale. As in, we are hoping some other people want to buy our condo and live here, meaning we would go buy some other house and live there instead.

This has basically unleashed every obsessive compulsive self-critical bone in my body, which it turns out are most of the bones in my body, because now instead of sleeping I sit up and worry about whether or not we can afford a counter-depth refrigerator and where on earth we are going to store all of our junk including the 764 brightly colored plastic toys that now occupy the area where our living room used to be and wow our sofas are so beat up and ugly and oh my goodness the baby just smeared mushed-up graham cracker on the walls and the rug! (But he's eating graham crackers, isn't that exciting!?!)

The good news is that I have convinced my lovely husband that we need to bring in the big guns, a.k.a. professional stagers. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, professional stagers are very savvy, smart, experienced decorators who come in and politely murmur that all of your furniture is painful to look at and then they force you to leave your house for a day so they can rearrange all of your aforementioned hideous furniture and put down new rugs and toss some throw pillows around so the place looks presentable and won't cause potential buyers to turn up their noses in disgust the moment they walk through our front door. The stagers and their team are coming in about two weeks. Woo-hoo! Before they arrive to work their voodoo decorating magic I have to do the following:

1. Move table and chairs currently in kitchen (put into storage or throw away
2. Order new dishwasher and refrigerator in stainless steel, have them installed
3. Move current hall table into kitchen
4. Put white loveseat into storage
5. Move plant from corner of living room (probably get rid of)
6. Obtain green sofa from Mom and Dad
7. Move Matt’s bed into master bedroom
8. Put Erin’s bed into storage
9. Have Matt’s bathtub reglazed
10. Replace toilet and sink in Erin’s bathroom
11. Have gardeners trim hedge outside of master bedroom window
12. Obtain empty boxes (perhaps from work?)
13. Tidy all closets/storage area, put items into storage as needed
14. Remove/hide all evidence of cats

Excuse me, I have to stop typing now so I can go freak out and then clean out some closets.

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